Cox's Bazar

Algeria Angola Argentina Australia Bahrain Bangladesh Botswana Brazil Cameroon Canada Chile China Colombia Congo, Dem Rep of Cote d'Ivoire Egypt Ethiopia France Gabon Germany Ghana Hong Kong India Indonesia Iraq Ireland Italy Japan Jordan Kenya Kuwait Lebanon Libya Macao Malaysia Mali Mauritius Mexico Morocco Mozambique Namibia Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Oman Pakistan Palestine Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Singapore South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Tunisia Turkey Uganda United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Vietnam Zambia Zimbabwe English العربية

Cox's Bazar

The Bay of Bengal beckons invitingly, dotted with dainty fishing boats skimming near the edge of the longest natural beach on the planet. Expectations stir as visitors inch closer to the thunderous roars of the magnificent Himchori Waterfall. And yet, time seems to come to a standstill in Cox’s Bazar as faint horns of rickshaws mirror the cracks of cricket bats that pierce through the air.

Accommodation Options in Cox's Bazar

Fri, 28 Mar - Sat, 29 Mar

Weather Averages for Cox's Bazar